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COVID-19: Registration – Buccleuch Musjid

Assalamu alaykum
In light of the current regulations Masjid Al Khaleel have instituted an online registration system. All Musallees who wish to join in the congregational Salah will be required to register.
Kindly click on the following link to do so: https://forms.gle/X6Uh5w1ML3CpGEu57

  • You will then be assigned a number which you will use when you attend the Salah.
  • At the entrance, you will quote your number and have your temperature taken and recorded.
  • There will only be one entrance
  • The wearing of face masks is compulsory
  • Please make Wudhu at home
  • Bring your own Musallah.
  • The rules are implemented in line with the gazetted requirements.
  • Please be considerate to your fellow musallees.
  • Musallees are also encouraged to come a little earlier for Salah in order to complete the process in time for Jamaat.

Masjid Al Khaleel