In light of the Directive from the South African Government that gatherings of more than 100 people will not be allowed, NB: from FRIDAY 20/03/2020, Jumuah Salaah, in the Buccleuch area will take place in two venues as follows:
1st Venue *(Masjid)*
12:40: 1st Azaan
12:50: 2nd Azaan & Khutbah
Followed by Salaah
2nd Venue *(58 Parkville Place, Across the road, on the right of the masjid, facing qiblah)*
12:45: 1st Azaan
12:55: 2nd Azaan & Khutbah
Followed by Salaah
• There will be no lecture at both venues.
• Wudhu facilities will be available outside the Masjid.
• Toilet Facilities *WILL NOT* be available.
• The residents of Buccleuch are requested to perform their Jumuah at the second venue in order to accommodate for outsiders in the Masjid.*
• Buccleuch residents are encouraged to make wudhu at home and to bring their own musallaas for Jumuah Salaah
Jazaakumullaahu khairan
Board of trustees
Masjid al Khaleel